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24 Jul 2013

by Raelene Holmes

Harlem's History & It's Stars

So today I met the very knowledgeable Dr. G. She gave my colleagues and me lots of information on Harlem and some of our fellow African-Americans. I learned the names of such inspirational people and about the different roles that they play/played here in our communities. It was amazing to look through the books that Dr. G provided; I was able to see what my community looked like over a century ago. That alone was mind-blowing! Afterwards, DeeDee showed and explained her slideshow presentation of images. One thing that stuck out to me was the "Scroll Singing" that she mentioned; in the Patua communities people would paint stories while singing together.

Raelene Holmes-Andrews is a very focused young woman. She received her GED this spring. An intern at the Educational Video Center, she excels in media and technology and plans on continuing her education in the field by studying either new media technology or game design.